Branding & Digital Assets
Choose New Jersey Logo Placement
The logos must be surrounded by a generous field of clear space in every layout. If the logo is positioned too close to other visuals, it may be difficult to distinguish the artwork. As shown, the clear space minimum has been established to help ensure the logo is always safely separated from competing visuals. The logos’ minimum allowable clear space is equal to the width of the “n” in the new jersey mark. This amount of space, at minimum, must surround the artwork on all four sides.

Background should be selected for optimal contrast.

The logo can appear on a background that provides sufficient contrast.

The white logo should be used on dark backgrounds.

The logo should NOT appear on photographic backgrounds.

The white logo should NOT appear on color backgrounds that do not provide sufficient contrast.

The full-color logo should never appear on dark backgrounds.
Choose New Jersey Background Color
If a background color is required, select one that provides ample visual contrast with the full-color logo whenever possible.
If the visibility of the logo is compromised by the background color or texture, the white logo is to be used.